Test ID: PATHC Pathology Consultation
Ordering Guidance
This test is intended for use with dry tissue - blocks and/or slides - only. For test ordering guidance for other specimen types, see Pathology Consultation Ordering Algorithm.
If requesting only a peripheral blood smear evaluation, order SPSM / Morphology Evaluation (Special Smear), Blood.
Note: Send only those case specimens for which a Mayo Clinic pathologist interpretation is needed to guide patient care. This test is not intended for quality assurance/control (QA/QC) or medico-legal reviews. If Pathology QA/QC or medico-legal review is needed, contact your Mayo Clinic Laboratories account team or call 800-533-1710.
Shipping Instructions
Attach the green "Attention Pathology" address label (T498) to the outside of the transport container before putting into the courier mailer.
Necessary Information
For assistance gathering required documentation and specimens for this test, see Pathology Consultation order submission guide.
All requisition and supporting information must be submitted in English.
Each of the following items is required:
1. All requisitions must be labeled with:
-Patient name, date of birth, and medical record number
-Name and phone number of the referring pathologist or ordering provider
-Anatomic site and collection date
2. A preliminary or final pathology report and brief patient history are essential to achieve a consultation fully relevant to the ordering provider's needs.
3. A specific diagnostic question is required for each specimen/part submitted. Include diagnostic question in a cover letter or in the requisition notes/comments. For ease of submission, the Pathology Consultation Cover Letter form can be completed and sent with the specimen.
4. Additional required information by case type:
Note: Imaging studies should be submitted for the request via Mayo Clinic ImageShare (preferred) or external storage device. Be aware that ImageShare does not support the upload of Pathology whole slide images.
-Neuropathology consults: Clinical and/or radiology imaging should be included if available.
-Placenta consults: Labor and delivery notes, patient history, operation notes, and imaging reports should be included if available.
-Bone marrow consults:
1. A recent Hematology/Oncology clinical note; print and submit with the case.
2. Complete blood cell count (CBC) result from testing performed within 14 days of bone marrow collection
3. Indicate clinical reason/context for submitting this case.
4. All pending and final reports for ancillary testing on submitted specimens.
Specimen Required
Additional Information:
All specimens and additional paperwork must be labeled with:
-Two patient identifiers (first and last name, date of birth, or medical record number)
-Specimen type and anatomic site
Supplies: Pathology Packaging Kit (T554)
Specimen Type: Tissue
Container/Tube: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks, stained slides, and/or unstained slides
Note: Submit only pertinent hematoxylin and eosin (H and E) and all special stains relevant to the diagnostic questions for the case. Include positively charged unstained slides and/or a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block if it is anticipated that additional stains or ancillary testing may be necessary.
Bone Marrow Case Specimen Requirements
For information on collecting specimens, see Bone Marrow Core Biopsy, Clot, and Aspirate Collection Guideline.
Specimen Type: Bone marrow aspirate
Slides: 5
Preferred: Freshly prepared slides made at the time of specimen collection
Acceptable: Slides made from EDTA specimen, within 2 hours of collection
Submission Container/Tube: Plastic slide holder
Specimen Type: Bone marrow aspirate clot
Container/Tube: Bone marrow aspirate clot embedded in paraffin block
Collection Instructions: Process and embed clot in paraffin
Specimen Type: Bone marrow core biopsy
Container/Tube: Fixed biopsy core embedded in paraffin block
Collection Instructions: Process and embed core in paraffin.
Specimen Type: Blood
Slides: 2
Preferred: 2 Freshly prepared fingerstick slides
Acceptable: 2 Slides made from whole blood in EDTA, made within 8 hours of collection
Submission Container/Tube: Plastic slide holder
1. Pathology Consultation Cover Letter
2. If not ordering electronically, complete, print, and send Pathology Consultation Request (T246) with the specimen.
Useful For
A subspecialty second opinion for a specific pathology question referred by a primary pathologist
Note: A consultative opinion is not a full rendering of a primary diagnostic report (eg, multiple parts, margin status, CAP synoptics)
Obtaining special studies not available locally
This test is not intended to be used to obtain a primary diagnosis.
Reflex Tests
Test ID | Reporting Name | Available Separately | Always Performed |
COSPC | Consult, Outside Slide | No, (Bill Only) | No |
CRHPC | Consult, w/Comp Rvw of His | No, (Bill Only) | No |
CSPPC | Consult, w/Slide Prep | No, (Bill Only) | No |
CUPPC | Consult, w/USS Prof | No, (Bill Only) | No |
SLSUR | Consult Slide Surcharge | No | No |
Testing Algorithm
This request will be processed as a consultation case. An interpretation, which includes an evaluation of the specimen and determination of a diagnosis, will be provided within a formal pathology report. Second opinion regarding diagnosis will be rendered by staff pathologists, often in consultation with colleagues who have expertise in the appropriate subspecialty areas. Appropriate additional stains and other ancillary testing may be performed to render comprehensive assessment. These additional stains/tests ordered will have the results included within the final pathology report and will be at an additional charge. Additionally, consultation cases with more than 25 client-stained slides received with the initial request will incur an additional surcharge. (This additional surcharge will not apply to client-stained slides sent in response to Mayo Clinic pathologist request.)
Note: Special stains and studies performed on the case should be sent with the case for review. To determine an accurate diagnosis, some of these stains or studies may be deemed to warrant being repeated, at an additional charge, at the reviewing Mayo Clinic pathologist's discretion. In addition, testing requested by the referring physician (immunostains, molecular studies, etc) may not be performed if deemed unnecessary by the reviewing Mayo Clinic pathologist. For all pathology consultations, ancillary testing necessary to determine a diagnosis is ordered at the discretion of the Mayo Clinic pathologist.
For more information see Pathology Consultation Ordering Algorithm.
Special Instructions
Reporting Name
Pathology ConsultSpecimen Type
MMLDRYSpecimen Stability Information
Specimen Type | Temperature | Time |
MMLDRY | Ambient |
Clinical Information
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota is staffed by pathologists whose expertise and special interests cover the entirety of pathology-from surgical pathology with all its respective subspecialty areas, to hematopathology, renal pathology, and dermatopathology.
Consultation services are provided for difficult diagnostic problems. Consultation cases may be sent by a referring pathologist and directed to one of the pathologists who is an expert in the given area or directed more broadly to the subspecialty group. Cases are frequently shared and, sometimes, transferred between the pathologists, as deemed appropriate for the type of case or diagnostic problem encountered. Emphasis is placed on prompt and accurate results. Stained slides and paraffin blocks received are reviewed in conjunction with the clinical history provided, laboratory findings, radiographic findings (if applicable), and sending pathologist's report or letter. If additional special stains or studies are needed, the results are included in the final interpretive report. In some cases, electron microscopy and other special procedures are utilized as required.
A variety of ancillary studies are available (eg, cytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics) to aid in establishing a diagnosis. These ancillary studies are often expensive, labor intensive, and most efficiently utilized and interpreted in the context of the morphologic features. The goal is to provide the highest possible level of diagnostic consultative service, while balancing optimal patient care with a cost-conscious approach to solving difficult diagnostic problems.
Reference Values
An interpretive report will be provided.
Results of the consultation are reported in a formal pathology report that includes a description of ancillary test results (if applicable) and an interpretive comment.
Day(s) Performed
Monday through Friday
Report Available
4 to 8 days; The final pathology report may be delayed if additional materials are required, or if ancillary testing (up to 21 days) is indicated.CPT Code Information
88321 (if appropriate)
88323 (if appropriate)
88325 (if appropriate)
LOINC Code Information
Test ID | Test Order Name | Order LOINC Value |
PATHC | Pathology Consult | 60570-9 |
Result ID | Test Result Name | Result LOINC Value |
71038 | Interpretation | 60570-9 |
71039 | Participated in the Interpretation | No LOINC Needed |
71040 | Report electronically signed by | 19139-5 |
71041 | Addendum | 35265-8 |
71042 | Material Received | 22633-2 |
71583 | Disclaimer | 62364-5 |
71789 | Case Number | 80398-1 |
Test Classification
Not ApplicableClinical Reference
Renshaw AA, Gould EW. Measuring the value of review of pathology material by a second pathologist. Am J Clin Pathol. 2006;125(5):737-739. doi:10.1309/6A0R-AX9K-CR8V-WCG4